
My name, Karin, was pretty common when I was growing up...just not the spelling. Unless you are of German heritage like I am. So, I have spent my entire life answering the question, "What is your name"?... With, "Karin...with an "i"! Who knew it would come in handy all these years later when I went to name my blog.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Aloha Friday Blackberries....

Hey All!

On my trip this week to Amish Country I stopped at a roadside stand and snapped this photo with my phone.  These blackberries (and blueberries in the upper corner) were sooooooo amazing and luscious looking, I couldn't resist!  They were HUGE, sweet and delicious!

I was just planning on keeping this in the photos on my phone, since it was the only one I took that day.  I mean, one random photo of some berries.  Who really cares right?  It was just that one moment kind of thing.

However, today is Aloha Friday over at Amber Inklings and she has challenged everyone to post 1, or 2 or at max, 3 things that inspired you this week.   Ta Da!!!  My photo has a purpose!!! Yipee :) 

 There is one catch though...No paper products!  C'mon, you can do it.  There is even an Amber Ink iPaper giveaway to a lucky participant!

For all the details, visit Amber Inklings!

Now, as a member of the (th)Ink Tank, I'm playing solely for fun and to spread the cheer and giveaway news to you, my fellow Amber Ink fans.

This is going into the #2 category which is food.

What inspired you this week?


pinky said...

Yummie indeed Karin and they are sooooo big!

Pam said...

Thanks Karin...and DANG girl....those look DEElish.

TannyP said...

YUMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Thos look so tasty!

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